Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This was last night when I was down by the river.

Here is where I will be staying for the rest of this week. It is alot nicer. And I have a room by myself. HooHaa!!!

This is what I got to look at the entire trip to New Orleans. By the time I Got here, I thought about applying to U-HAUL to be there spokes person!!!

"Call 1-800 GO UHAUL for all your moving needs!" "We make your move easier!"

Day Two
Day two and I am completely wore out. This is going to be a long week, much less a long job. There is so much to do, and to know, before we even begin the job itself. I am missing my family so much. But my wife keeps sending me videos and text messages from them so that is very special. We got up this morning and went to the safety council to get our badges for the plant. After that we went to the facility and checked in. There are two people on our crew that do not have their TWIC cards yet, so full 100% escort for them, and guess who gets picked. That is right folks, I had to follow this guy around the entire time he was in the plant. If he went to the Port O Can, I stood outside and waited. He had to remain in my sight at all times. If for some reason he were to get away and do something he was not supposed to, then it would have fallen on me and I would loose my TWIC card and be removed from the facility, so I was very sure to watch his every move. The frustrating part is that he is older and is slower than me, so the walk to and from the gate was very difficult for me. i felt like I was on a treadmill not going anywhere and all I wanted to do was get the FRC's off. FRC's for those that don't know, are fire retardant coveralls that I have to wear over my clothes. Talk about hot!!! i was so happy to get back to the van and get those coveralls off, I forgot what time it was. We had only been there 3 hours and i was so tired. On a normal day, I would have about 7 more to go. UGG!!!

So as I said it will be a long project. The best part of it is that I will be loosing alot of weight. :) Well, I will have more tomorrow!


  1. Sweet crib! Is that where we will stay when it is time for Mardi Gras?!?! LOL

  2. No he is getting an apartment!! Yippee!! Two bedroom "Bachelor pad" LOL Well Kinda....
    I love your hotel room. It rocks :) I wish I was there to hang out with you! Briley is having a massive meltdown tonight!!! UGHH!
    I miss YOU so MUCH! XOXOXOX
